Risk Sharing without the traditional costs ±30%, taxes ±20%, and profits ±10%
So at least with 60% 
lower Premiums


I am Remmelt Bossemafounder of RiskShare, a groundbreaking insurtech startup poised to reshape the landscape of insurance. I am looking for a born entrepreneur who embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of visionaries like Travis Kalanick (Uber) and Brian Chesky (Airbnb). Together, with you as a commercial genius (CEO) and me as an innovative master (CINO), we can propel RiskShare to heights previously unseen in the insurtech realm.

RiskShare is not just another startup; it is destined to become a UNICORN within a mere 5 years from now! Imagine being part of a journey that transcends industry norms, redefines the concept of the insurance world and catapults us to a market value of 1 billion euros. This isn't just a venture; it's a revolution waiting to happen.

With an initial investment of 10 million euros in seed capital or convertible loan(s), RiskShare is set to revolutionize the market with the world's first and only true p2p risk sharing platform. Our strategy is simple yet powerful – emphasizing organic growth, high profitability, and eliminating the specter of loss and insolvency through secure p2p risk bearing.

I invite you to join me in this exhilarating venture, where the power of ideas meets the potential to impact the world. RiskShare is a phenomenon waiting to be unleashed. Together, let's not only surpass the success of Uber and Airbnb but redefine the very essence of success in the insurtech universe.

Seize the opportunity, embrace the challenge, and let's make RiskShare the UNICORN that disrupts and dominates the insurance world within the next 5 years. The stage is set, and the time is now!



RiskShare is the world's first and only true peer-to-peer risk sharing platform. On this platform, participants only pay for each other's claims without the intervention of an insurer or reinsurer, resulting in average savings of ±30% in costs, ±20% in taxes, and ±10% in profits. As a result, risk sharing payments worldwide are at least 60% lower than premiums for traditional insurance. Participants pay only a periodic variable amount. No payments and refunds before and after. RiskShare means, 'the sharing of claims paid per day, by the new and renewing participants on that day'. Only online networks of participants. No expensive buildings, directors, or staff, resulting in a lack of bureaucracy. RiskShare offers coverage for death, disability, accidents, healthcare, travel, liability, legal aid, damage or loss to car, house and contents.


"Risk ends where RiskShare begins"
"Caring connects us All"
"A Circle of care that never Ends"
"Where care knows no Limits"
"You're never alone with RiskShare"
"We all take care of You - You all take care of Me"


    RiskShare is advised and managed by independent financial, tax, legal and medical advisors. The advisors build their own client base through subscriptions and determine the amount of the subscriptions themselves e.g. €50 p.m. They are the first and only point of contact for advice and claims and thus client responsible. Advisors represent not only the interests of their individual clients through prompt claims settlement, but also the interests of all their clients for low risk sharing payments through fair claims settlement. By doing so, the advisors are the equivalent of the front and back office of a traditional insurer. All this makes RiskShare highly digital and highly personal. This approach allows advisors to work based on their personal ambition and emotion, while considering their strengths and weaknesses and maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life.




    Entities without legal status encompass organizations and groups that lack legal rights and obligations. This classification includes informal clubs, partnerships, associations, and online networks of individuals. While traditional insurance companies operate within a regulated framework, a P2P risk sharing network, like RiskShare, does not fall under the purview of such regulations, and risk sharing is not a product therefore not bound by licenses. A RiskShare Network acting as a risk carrier by distributing risk among its participants rather than relying on a single entity, like an insurance company. RiskShare Networks do not generate profits because they operate as a collective of individuals. In essence, RiskShare operates outside the boundaries of the traditional insurance industry and offers an alternative approach to insurance through P2P risk sharing networks.


    RiskShare consists of 3 local risk sharing entities that are legally independent but economically inseparable. This structure ensures a robust, distributed ecosystem where each entity operates with a high degree of autonomy while being interdependent within the overall framework. RiskShare employs a holacratic model, which eliminates traditional hierarchies and bureaucracies, fostering agile decision-making and enhanced collaboration. Each entity contributes to and benefits from shared resources, risk management strategies, and collective expertise, creating a resilient and adaptive network capable of responding swiftly to changing market conditions.


    'RiskShare Network' are local online networks without a legal status that provides members a place to unite, cooperate, and share risks and resources. By engaging in collective risk management, members can mitigate individual exposures and establish a resilient framework for handling risks sustainable.

    'RiskShare Advisors' are local franchise partnerships whose advisors provide valuable guidance and support to their network clients. They identifying and analyzing risks and developing effective strategies for risk management. Through continuous support, the advisors empower their clients to make well-informed decisions.

    'RiskShare Platform' operates as a local SaaS tool, providing advanced technology solutions to network participants and franchise partnerships of risk advisors. The platform provides them with tools for sharing, managing and reporting risk, while also enabling seamless communication between all parties involved.


    96% of all transactions involve the collection of risk sharing payments. RiskShare has a fully automatic collection process. After in the RiskShare app the payment calculation and closing or cancellation is completed, participant is forwarded to PayPal that fully automatic handles the direct debit or cancellation. The details of all payment transactions are verifiably stored on the private blockchain. This process offers maximum scalability to grow exponentially to many millions of participants and transactions without the additional deployment of manpower and systems.


    4% of all transactions involve payments to claims. Participants submit claims in their smart contract. Advisor, expert, and AI assess the claim. Expert or AI creates a payment link. Advisor approves the link. Participant agrees to the claim settlement by activating the link and transferring the claim payment to their PayPal account. The risk sharing payments are, for each scheme, automatically recalculated daily, to cover claims paid on that day. At the end of each day, the balance of payments received and claims paid is zero. All claim transactions are verifiable stored on the private blockchain.


    PayPal is an essential component of RiskShare's operational processes, as it enables the efficient and secure collection of subscriptions, the collection of risk sharing payments, and the payment of claims. The fully automatic collection and paying process allows for maximum scalability, handling many millions of transactions without the need for additional manpower and systems. Additionally, the use of a private blockchain ensures that all transaction details are verifiable and secure. Overall, PayPal plays a critical role in the efficient and streamlined operation of the RiskShare platform.


    RiskShare's serverless infrastructure with Node.js, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and AI, is to be a distributed system for sharing and managing data.

    • Node.js is a fast runtime environment, for building scalable networking applications and is used to build the front and backend of the RiskShare infrastructure, providing communication and data management between the components.

    • AWS Lambda, a serverless computing service, is used to execute the smart contracts needed for the risk sharing process. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts where the terms of the agreement between the peers are written directly into lines of code.

    • DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service offered by AWS, is used to store the data from the blockchain, allowing the system to keep track of all transactions and interactions taking place within the network.

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances serverless infrastructure efficiency. AI scales Node.js for optimal performance. AWS Lambda uses AI to allocate resources and prioritize smart contracts, streamlining risk sharing. AI analyzes DynamoDB data for insights in P2P risk sharing.

    This combination of technologies enables P2P risk sharing, where peers can share financial risk among themselves without the need for a traditional insurer.

      Burg. Kolfschotenstraat 4    Tel. +31(0)653374097
5616 DD Eindhoven            platform@riskshare.nl