How to raise initial funding!

21 May 2024 08:04 | FINANCE VISION (Administrator)

Dear PayPal Ventures team,

Thank you for taking the time to join me today to learn about RiskShare, the world's first and only true peer-to-peer (P2P) risk sharing platform. During our discussion, we will explore how RiskShare is transforming the insurance industry with its innovative platform and how we plan to make it the next big thing in the sector. I would also like to discuss how PayPal Ventures can support our vision and be a part of this exciting journey.

RiskShare is a decentralized ecosystem of holacracy that operates entirely digital and online, offering premium savings of at least 60% by eliminating the need of insurers and reinsurers. Our platform is fast, efficient, and accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. With billions of people seeking lower insurance premiums, RiskShare has the potential to revolutionize the industry. With your support and expertise, we believe we can take RiskShare to the next level and realize its full potential.

At RiskShare, independent financial, tax, legal, and medical advisors are key players in the functioning of the platform. Millions of them looking for an income boost by building their own client base, provide advice, and settle claims. They are the first and only point of contact and thus client responsible. Additionally, advisors play a vital role in marketing the platform and ensuring its success.

PayPal is a crucial component of the RiskShare platform, providing a secure and efficient way to collect and distribute premiums and claims. The use of a private blockchain ensures that all transaction details are verifiable and secure, providing an additional layer of protection for all parties involved. We would like to partner with PayPal Ventures to support the growth and expansion of RiskShare. This partnership will not only provide financial support, but also access to PayPal's network of experts and resources, which will be invaluable in achieving our goals.

The revenue model for RiskShare is three-fold. Participants pay at least 60% lower premiums through P2P risk sharing. Advisors recieve €90,000 in subscriptions per year with e.g. 150 participants/clients. The platform recieves a fee of €96 per year per client from the advisors. Additionally, PayPal benefits from the platform with at least €50,000,000 (50 million) in transaction fees per year with one million participants.

Our goal within the next five years is to establish a network of one million participants, form partnerships with 5,000 advisors, and facilitate many millions of transactions. The platform is projected to have a market value of one billion euros, based on a valuation of 13 times its profit or an 8% rate of return. With ten million euros in launch capital and a focus on both growth and profitability, we are confident that we can reach our market value goal within five years.

We would be honored to partner with PayPal Ventures and benefit from your support, expertise, and network. We are confident that RiskShare has all the necessary components for success in the insurance industry, and we invite you to join the RiskShare revolution and become a part of this groundbreaking project.

Thank you for considering our proposal.